Gladness and Rejoicing

Gladness and Rejoicing

These passages, offered up by our lectionary, have a profound punch this week. You know, and I know, that we cannot help hearing these words in our own context, the outcome of a hotly contested presidential election which seems, to some people, to echo in the words of Jesus, and, to other people, to echo in the words of Isaiah. And not only is our nation divided, but Christians are divided, proponents of each major candidate seeing their guy or gal as Jesus’ obvious choice.


So that’s where we are. We are people living at the same time, in the same country, but somehow, in two entirely different worlds, one in which it looks as if everything is about to crumble, and the other in which it looks, finally, as if everything is going to be alright.

Generation After Generation

Generation After Generation

For us, we Protestants in the Reformed tradition who take our cue from the author of this scripture passage, “saints” are every single person who is a member of the church, which is also called the “body of Christ.” We are made saints by baptism, and we are joined to that body—we become a part of that family which, just like our own families, are enormous and in some ways unknowable assemblies of the living and the dead, whose origins travel back, generation after generation, into a mysterious past...

Faithfulness and Love

Faithfulness and Love

Dear Church,

I’m writing you today because we have just heard a tiny portion of a letter to the ancient church from Paul, one of its pastors. And Paul had a way of both encouraging and challenging his people in his letters… I think he was really on to something there.

And so, I’m writing today to tell you three things, and it’s my hope that it will be both encouraging and challenging...

A Season of Visions and Dreams

A Season of Visions and Dreams

God’s covenant people of ancient days certainly knew what it was to have their plans disrupted. As God’s people, they expected to be led to “a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey,” where they would live forever. They planned for a Temple in which to worship the God who led them there, and even a good king to lead them through their generations. And yet, when we meet them here, through the words of the prophet Joel, all that is gone. The Temple is no more, destroyed by the Babylonians. The kings are gone (and in the end, they weren’t very good kings after all). As for the good and broad land… well, first, they were exiled from it, for generations. Then, more recently, after their return, they have endured a plague of locusts—colorfully called “the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army.” That is, God’s great army. God is saying: Yes, you had your plans. I changed them...

The Gift of Misfits

The Gift of Misfits

Imagine. Imagine being an outcast, being a misfit, and then suddenly having the doors that were closed to you, open. The arms that were folded against you, reaching out in embrace. The faces that had been turned away from you, smiling upon you. It’s a dizzying thought. But there are no outcasts in God’s kingdom. There is no one to whom the arms of God remain closed. There is no one who cannot be made whole. There is no one who is not welcomed in.

Portion Control: A Sermon for World Communion Sunday

Portion Control: A Sermon for World Communion Sunday

The book in question is called Hungry Planet: What the World Eats. About 13 years ago, Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio set out to travel the globe to investigate what people eat. Typical people—normal for their own locations and cultures. So they sat down with thirty families from twenty-four countries, and they talked together about their lives and their work, their favorite recipes, and how they got their food. Did they shop at a place like Wegman’s? Did they farm, and grow or raise their food sources? Did they barter with others nearby? Then the authors photographed each family with one week’s worth of the food they consume...

Shown: In Chad, the Aboubakar family of Breidjing Camp. Food expenditure for one week: $1.23 US.

The Gift of Disappearing

The Gift of Disappearing

Just who does this guy think he is? Tradition names the rich man Dives, but that’s tradition’s problem—“Tradition” can’t understand why a rich man wouldn’t be given the dignity of a name. But Jesus leaves him unnamed, and maybe we should sit with that, we who are inundated day after day with the names of the rich, the famous, and the powerful. We, who are led to assume, by the media, that the names of the poor, the powerless, and the struggling are names not worth knowing. Who wants to know them?

The Gift of Being Lost

The Gift of Being Lost

There are many ways to be lost.

We can be lost, literally, as in, not able to find our destination, just like the time when J. was driving, with the help of a GPS, which in its digital wisdom directed us through the woods and up a dark hill, to a deserted neighborhood, instead of to the restaurant we were trying to find.

We can be lost emotionally, like someone who is struggling with inner turmoil, or a difficult choice, or the untimely death of someone one we love; or with memories that traumatize us, memories like those so many people have of September 11, which was a bright, clear, crisp day, until tragedy struck.

We can be lost spiritually, like someone who strains to hear but cannot seem to discern the voice of God; or like someone who has replaced the risky business of trying to hear the voice of God with addictive processes or substances, or material possessions or even amusing people; or like someone who uses religion as a cudgel to beat others into spiritual submission.

We can be lost like a sheep that has munched its way over a hill, and looks up to find it is nowhere near those other familiar sheep.

We can be lost like a coin that has rolled behind a bureau and found a crack between the molding and the floor, where it lives now.

There are many ways to be lost. I haven’t named nearly all of them.

The Gift of Temptation

The Gift of Temptation

Your eyes beheld my unformed substance.

In your book were written

  all the days that were formed for me,

  when none of them as yet existed.  ~ Psalm 139:16

This intimacy is deeper than logic can account for. God knows all of it, knew all of it, even before any of us existed. We were written in God’s book of life, even before we were the proverbial twinkle in our parents’ eyes. God’s knowledge of us transcends time...

The Gift of Being Thunderstruck

The Gift of Being Thunderstruck

All three of our passages this morning depict the voice of God, in one way or another. In the passage from Jeremiah we get a glimpse of a pivotal moment in the life of a young person—“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” And Jeremiah replies, in effect, “Are you kidding? I’m not even grown up yet. I’m just a boy.”

Eric Elnes, the author of Gifts of the Dark Wood, asks, “Have you ever experienced a sudden flash of insight or awareness that rocked your whole world?"

Jeremiah has. Jeremiah is thunderstruck.

The Gift of Emptiness

The Gift of Emptiness

If the people we instinctively think of as good—people like the Levite and the priest—the people we look up to, if they don’t do the right thing, where does that leave us? It leaves us empty. If the people we have suspected, or reviled, thought of as not-us, not-like-us, not-our-neighbors—if they become the heroes of the story, where does that leave us? It leaves us empty. If someone is just trying to live their lives, to do their job, and they are left for dead, and it makes no sense… where does that leave us? It leaves us empty, so empty we don’t even know what to say or how to pray any more...

The Gift of Uncertainty

The Gift of Uncertainty

He’s a military man. A general… and a famous one, at that. The Ancient Near East’s equivalent of an Eisenhower, maybe a Patton. He is accustomed to issuing a command, and watching as his order is carried out to the letter. He is successful, wildly so—a “great man,” in “high favor” with the king, because he is victorious.

And yet…this mighty warrior is suffering from something our bibles translate as “leprosy,” but which might be any one of a number of skin diseases lumped into that category. He has a spreading affliction of the skin, one that can be so serious that, in some cases, the afflicted person is shunned, and has to live outside the community. He is not there yet. But Naaman is enough of a man of the world to know what might lie in his future. It’s terrifying.

Naaman has entered what author Eric Elnes would call the Dark Wood...

Many Gifts, One Body

Many Gifts, One Body

You are needed. The one Spirit of God has given us so many gifts, spread out among us like the fibers and blood cells and veins and arteries and organs and appendages that, together, make us whole, wholly, beautifully human. You are needed for the true beauty of this human and divine creation that is Christ’s church to be made known: the fullness of God’s blessings, God’s love, God’s gifts, poured out for all of us, through each of us...

This Christian Faith

This Christian Faith

So here we are, on this day on which much of the Church Universal pauses to take note of it, this doctrine of Three-in-One, or One-Yet-Three. Here we are, we who claim, along with Judaism and Islam, to be a monotheistic faith, we who claim—there is just one God, God is One. In your worship bulletin, you have a short list of Trinity words, as I’ve called them, some traditional and some very non-traditional words to help us think, connect, imagine, what, exactly this is, that we are trying to talk about.

Father, Son, Holy Spirit…

Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer…

Mother, Maiden, Crone…

Lover, Beloved, Love…

Earth-Maker, Pain-Bearer, Life-Giver…

God Who Creates, God Who Saves, God Who Guides…

Source, Word, Wisdom…

And all of it leads me to ask you a question: What difference does it make? How has the Trinity made a difference in your faith, in your life?

When the Spirit of truth comes, you will be guided into all truth.